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Survive The Panel with These Quick, Easy-to-follow Tricks

posted in: Interview Advice | 2

If you are scared of one-to-one job interviews, we can imagine how dreadful it might sound when the employer tells you that the next step of the hiring process will be a panel interview. Sitting before two or more experts and making an impression on all of them simultaneously takes nerves and some preparation.

Regardless of the hard questions, you can always ace your panel interview if interview coaching is done correctly. If you want to survive the panel with banging success, here are some quick and easy tricks to follow right away:

Keep Calm

It is not easy to sit before high-profile professionals and get interviewed, the first thing you need to do is to keep yourself calm. It will not just help you answer the questions relatively smoothly but will also leave a good impression on the interviewer.

Your ability to withstand the pressure will come to the forefront if you can manage your stress and remain calm during the whole process. Besides, it will help you to think clearly and will thus, improve your performance during the interview. Make sure to work on it before you face the panel.

Dress Appropriately

Be mindful of what you wear to a job interview. It can either make or break your impression. Your outfit defines who you are. It can play a crucial role in flattering your persona. People see you before they talk to you and your outfit is the first thing anyone notices.

Make sure to wear something you are not just comfortable with but is also appropriate for a job interview. The best part is, when you look good, you feel good. A good outfit can give your confidence a much-needed boost.

Do Your Research

You need to know everything about where you are heading for the interview. Knowing the company’s history and current working dynamics can help you get through the hiring process. Look at their website and make sure you know the technical terms and language that they use because they could ask questions regarding it in the interview.

You can find a lot of clues regarding the panel interview or the entire hiring process on their website; please pay attention to the small details because you do not want to miss anything and regret it later.

Keeping the Panelists Engaged

Make sure that you are engaging with every panelist during the interview, and maintain eye contact with all the interviewers as you answer the question. Try to stay in a relaxed mood, smile, and be polite.

There is an obvious line between being rude and being confident; try to be consistent with your tone and style of talking. Sit straight and maintain a good posture to look confident and fully prepared for the interview.

Avoiding Clichéd Answers

Some questions are asked in almost every interview, and their clichéd answers are what make the interviewer not choose the interviewee. For example, if you are asked to introduce yourself, try not to start answering the question like it is something you have memorized. You have to sound like an experienced applicant but not a robot!

Make sure to describe your skills and interests impressively. More importantly, do not take too much time to answer just one question; it will be a turn-off for the panelists.

The Bottom Line

A panel interview is something you cannot just randomly head to unprepared. You need to ensure that you are fully prepared to get through it successfully. Invest your time and effort into preparing for it ahead of time.

Good Luck!

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2 Responses

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