Are you concerned about making the wrong career choice? Tired of dead-end jobs and unfulfilling careers? You’re in the right place! Get ready for my story to shake things up for you, as you discover how unexpected career choices led to my success. You’ll learn that your dream job might be just around the corner, waiting for you to take a leap of faith.
From fashionista to hairdresser, retail worker to frustrated administrator, accidental salesperson to marketing maven – my career path has been anything but traditional. Packed with insider tips and real-life stories, this is your guide to finding a career you’ll love. Don’t settle – your ideal career is out there, let’s find it together!
From Fashion Dreams to Marketing Triumphs: My Career Odyssey
Ever have that feeling you’re on a career snakes and ladders board? Up a promotion one minute, then downsized the next? This was my professional life for years. I started with grand dreams of becoming a fashion designer, but a twist of fate sent me on a wild ride through hairdressing, retail, and even a soul-crushing administrative role.
But here’s the thing: every twist, turn, and dead end, led me to where I am today – a passionate and thriving Digital Marketer! Want to hear how I got here, the wrong turns I took, and the lessons I learned along the way? Buckle up, because this is my story of finding my dream career, and it might inspire you to find yours too.
Fashion Fantasy to Hairdressing Hustle: My Early Career Detour

Ever find yourself immersed in a world of magazines, passionately cutting out your favourite images and sketching ideas in a notebook? Yeah, that was me; convinced that I’d be the next big fashion designer, creating the next best looks that would last a lifetime like Christian Dior.
Fast forward to college opening evening, and my fashionista dreams hit a brick wall. Walking into the Art & Design department, I was left feeling like a deer caught in headlights! The sheer amount of theory-based work felt like an avalanche. It is fair to say I moonwalked right out of there! Luckily, my ever-supportive mum suggested we explore other options. So, with a head full of fashion dreams and zero direction, I wandered the halls, hoping something would spark.
Then, like a moth to a flame, I was drawn to the bright lights and buzzing energy of the hairdressing salon. Students diligently attending to clients, the rhythmic sound of scissors, and lively chatter filled the air – it just clicked. This, I thought, this is it! Hairdressing became my calling, and after three years of training, I spent a decade as a professional stylist.
Reality Bites: From Hair to Hustle (But Not the Kind I Wanted)
Let’s be honest, hairdressing for a decade was a blast. But somewhere along the way, the shine started to fade. Between juggling life as a stepmum to a four-year-old and facing the ever-present struggle of making ends meet, the dream job started feeling a little…meh. Plus, the cost of living was like a bad perm – relentless and impossible to tame! So, with a healthy dose of reality and a serious case of “what the heck-do-I-do-now?” I fired up the laptop and started applying for anything and everything.
Thankfully, my friends and family always knew I had a knack for customer service and genuinely loved helping people. Those skills landed me a part-time job as a Retail Assistant at a high-end fashion department store (alongside hairdressing too!). When they offered me a full-time position, it felt like a sign. Time to say goodbye to the world of hair dye and hello to a brand new adventure!
Deep down, though, that passion for fashion still flickered. Working in shoes, I felt a fraction closer to that childhood dream. Then, like a miracle (or maybe just good timing), a chance arose to work alongside the store’s Personal Stylist. The little kid in me did a happy dance – I couldn’t believe it! Even though a full-time stylist position wasn’t in the cards, I soaked up every minute of that experience.
Retail Rockstar to Supervisor Realisation: The Climb and the Crash

So, for a year, I rocked the retail life (juggling both Retail Assistant duties and personal stylist) before getting promoted! Hello, Supervisor role! It felt like boot camp – intense, challenging, but seriously rewarding. I learned a ton: Dealing with customer complaints (deep breaths!), looking after my team (like a dedicated coach!), managing inventory like a pro, and becoming our department’s voice on the Staff Council. I wanted to be the best supervisor by pouring my heart and soul into the job.
Here’s the thing, though: all that dedication came at a cost. Work hours ballooned, even though I had fewer weekends. The balance between work and, well, life, completely tipped. My health took a hit, relationships suffered, and before I knew it, I was living at the store. Work had become an obsession. I was way overloaded for the pay, and the climb up the career ladder felt more like a snakebite – ouch!
One morning, staring at the ceiling, the question hit me – loud and clear: “Something’s got to change, but what?” As mentioned before, my career felt like a game of Snakes and Ladders – a few steps forward, then WHAM, down the snake I went. Sound familiar?
If you’re reading this thinking “Been there, done that,” don’t worry, there’s hope! Just keep reading, because things are about to get better (for both of us!).
How a Promising Role Tuned into a Toxic Work Environment
Feeling desperate for a change, and not knowing what job to do, I started applying for anything and everything (again). Thankfully, I landed an Administrative role at a new company. Better hours, better pay, better work-life balance – it was a breath of fresh air! Sure, it was outside my comfort zone, but I found my groove and a great team that made me feel welcome. But even with a stellar team, something felt…off. That nagging feeling in your gut? Yeah, I learnt later I should have listened to it.
After a couple of years, it dawned on me: this company had a serious case of “managerial mean girls.” Unless you worshipped the ground the manager walked on, you were treated like dirt. Little tasks no one else wanted, constant belittling – it was the opposite of everything I believed in as a leader. Coming from a place where I valued and listened to my team (even if I couldn’t always say yes to everything), this toxic environment was suffocating.
Talking to my team leader, I achieved nothing. The atmosphere got worse, not better. Despite my best efforts, depression started creeping in. Optimism could only take me so far. Stuck in this soul-sucking job, I knew I had to get out. Panic mode set in, and I started applying for anything with a pulse; location and money be damned. Escape at any cost, right?
From Lunchtime Epiphany to Local Dream Job: The Job Hunt Rollercoaster (with an Unexpected Twist!)
So, there I was, during my lunch break feeling totally lost. What was the next step in my career adventure? Luckily, a lightbulb moment struck. I needed clarity, a roadmap to my perfect job. So, I took an online career quiz – one that dug deep into my skills and personality.
The results were a revelation! They showed I had a ton to offer, a whole toolbox of skills just waiting to be used. It was a major confidence booster, especially after the radio silence from all those applications. Looking back, I’m grateful none of them panned out – because something amazing was just around the corner, literally!
One day, I came home to a local advertisement peeking out of the letterbox. Local company, Administrator role, minutes from my house – and the pay was fantastic! It felt too good to be true. Eighty percent of the duties seemed like a breeze, but imposter syndrome reared its ugly head. Those negative voices whispered doubts, telling me I wasn’t good enough. Discouraging, for sure, but I knew I had to give it a shot. Deep breath, hit submit, and hoped for the best.
The next day, there it was! An invitation for a job interview! I was ecstatic, practically jumping up and down at my desk. Of course, I had to stay calm – interview first, celebration later. But this chance, this tiny spark of hope, was a game-changer.
The interview itself was a blast. The interviewer and I clicked – we even bonded over our shared love of Post-it notes (yes, you read that correctly). It felt so natural, a total departure from the usual interview anxiety. Leaving the office, I felt good about it, but that pesky uncertainty lingered – did they like me for the role?
Moments later, my phone rings. It’s them, calling me back for a second interview! Excitement and nerves battled it out in my stomach as I headed in. Then, the director dropped a grenade: they wanted to offer me a job. Not admin though – Sales! Wait, hold on a second! I stammered about my lack of experience, but they were adamant. They saw potential, and they were willing to train me.
Needless to say, I leapt!
Misfit in Sales to Marketing Marvel: The Unexpected (but Perfect) Pivot

So, there I was a rookie in the world of sales. Respect for the hustle grew fast – gotta be tough, gotta be confident, even when deals fall through. You learn to adapt, find ways around rejection, and savour those sweet victories! But after a couple of years, I started feeling like a miscast actor – a square peg in a round hole.
Don’t get me wrong, I was extremely grateful for the opportunity, but honesty is key here, right? Whilst in the Sales position, I would assist the marketing team, which they soon saw I thrived in – it works out that having a passion for psychology and design is a perfect marketing match!
Right before a well-deserved holiday, I decided to have a heart-to-heart with my manager. Turns out they felt the same way! They saw my effort but also noticed I was struggling to find my stride within the Sales role.
Back from my trip, I get called into a meeting. “Chairman and Marketing Manager? What could they possibly want with me?” I thought to myself. Excitement crackled in the air, a mix of nerves and pure possibility. “We’d love for you to join the marketing team!” they announced.
Is this real life? Making sure no one could see me, I hid myself around a corner to do a victory dance! This, my friends, was pure elation! Finally, a feeling of “This is what I’m meant to do!” Needless to say, I haven’t looked back.
The career quiz I mentioned earlier? Turns out, it is 100% correct – marketing was my top pick! Could it be true? Was this really happening? Absolutely!
Fast forward to today, I have a DMI Digital Marketing certification under my belt and a full-fledged marketing career in motion. Every morning, I walk into the office knowing I’m exactly where I belong.
Don’t Fear the Detour: Your Dream Job Might Be a Surprise!
Looking back, the twists and turns of my journey all make sense now. Each job equipped me with skills I use every day in marketing. Every step taught me valuable lessons – resilience, adaptability, and the power of trusting your gut. The bad bosses, the self-doubt (after giving jobs a fair shot), and the challenges – all pushed me to grow and ultimately land a career I love.
So, to anyone out there feeling lost in the career wilderness, keep going! Explore, learn, and never settle for anything less than your passion. Your dream job could be just around the corner, waiting for you to take that leap of faith. Here’s to finding your passion and never looking back!
But remember, your dream job might not look exactly like the one you envisioned at 20 years old (or even yesterday!). My journey from fashionista to marketing maven is proof of that. The key is to embrace the unexpected turns, trust your instincts, and use the skills you gain along the way. Because sometimes, the most fulfilling career path is the one you never saw coming.
So, what’s your next step? Take a chance on a new course, network with someone in your dream field, or simply brainstorm your strengths and passions. You might be surprised where that first step takes you. Here’s to your wild, wonderful, and purpose-driven career adventure!