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Octane Recruitment

Area Manager - Dundee


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Area Manager Dundee Salary: £37,000 Hours: Monday to Friday, 40 hours per week. We are seeking an experienced Manager with a background in light vehicle maintenance and repair to join our team in Dundee. You will play a crucial role in overseeing the efficient operation of our stores and repair centres in Dundee. £35,000 - £37,000 per annum Ave

Job Source: Octane Recruitment
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  • Octane Recruitment

    Designate Centre Manager - Dundee


    Area Manager Dundee Salary: £37,000 Hours: Monday to Friday, 40 hours per week. We are seeking an experienced Manager with a background in light vehicle maintenance and repair to join our team in Dundee. You will play a crucial role in overseeing the efficient operation of our stores and repair centres in Dundee. £35,000 - £37,000 per annum Ave

    Job Source: Octane Recruitment

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