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Lorimer House Ltd


Juniper Green

  • Top Match

Cook - Care Home Based Lindemann Healthcare is a family run business which was established in 1995 and has over 25 years experience caring for older people in Edinburgh. Our dedicated team aims to provide specialised care in a safe homely atmosphere where the residents are cared for with dignity and respect. This allows each resident to function at

Job Source: Lorimer House Ltd
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  • Lorimer House Careers


    Juniper Green

    Cook - Care Home Based Lindemann Healthcare is a family run business which was established in 1995 and has over 25 years experience caring for older people in Edinburgh. Our dedicated team aims to provide specialised care in a safe homely atmosphere where the residents are cared for with dignity and respect. This allows each resident to function a

    Job Source: Lorimer House Careers
  • Lorimer House Ltd


    Juniper Green

    Cook - Care Home Based Lindemann Healthcare is a family run business which was established in 1995 and has over 25 years experience caring for older people in Edinburgh. Our dedicated team aims to provide specialised care in a safe homely atmosphere where the residents are cared for with dignity and respect. This allows each resident to function at

    Job Source: Lorimer House Ltd
  • George Heriot's School

    Chef (Permanent, Term-Time Only, plus 2 weeks)


    Weare looking for an experienced Chef to join our friendly and committed in-house Catering Team. The Chef plays an important role in the delivery of a full range of catering services for the Heriots Community including pupils, staff, governors and visitors. The Chef will create exciting menus and provide freshly cooked healthy food ensuring all die

    Job Source: George Heriot's School
  • George Heriot's School

    Chef (Permanent, Term-Time Only, plus 2 weeks)


    Weare looking for an experienced Chef to join our friendly and committed in-house Catering Team. The Chef plays an important role in the delivery of a full range of catering services for the Heriots Community including pupils, staff, governors and visitors. The Chef will create exciting menus and provide freshly cooked healthy food ensuring all die

    Job Source: George Heriot's School

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